3 daily habits that literally saved my life
Mar 10, 2023
Building on this for many years, by now there are many daily habits that my mind and body benefit from. Before building on those daily habits though, there was a time in my life that I was completely drained. I was raising four children on my own and trying to survive financially. The last thing I felt I had time for was changing my habits and taking better care for myself. And yet, that was exactly what I decided to give priority. It was a complete game changer!
So here are three daily habits that I installed years ago and I still honor to this day:
1. I get up at 5 a.m.
I once heard Matthew Mcconaughey say: 'Check in with yourself before you check in with the world.' It is something I live by for many years now and I could not even change that anymore even if I would try to 😊.
It is the most precious gift that you can give to yourself, to spend some time in the presence of your own being, before dealing with the to do's of the world.
The tricky part is, you don't need to develop discipline to get up early, you need to develop discipline to go to bed early. The waking up early part then comes naturally. So check for yourself where you spend the last hours of the day on and if that is something that really feeds your mind and soul. Would going to bed and consciously inviting your mind and body to go into sleep state benefit you more?
2. I do breathing exercises in the morning
It is still very quiet in my house at 5 a.m. and it is an excellent time to connect with the silence within. I enjoy the benefits of meditation and yoga, but what's even more important in my morning routine is conscious breathing. The breathe is the foundation to sink into deep body awareness and connect my physical to my spiritual reality.
3. I get out in nature in the morning
No matter what the weather circumstances are, no matter how I feel about it, I get out in nature and walk for at least one hour, mostly watching the sun come up. There is nothing more magical than seeing the day being born. Breathing in the fresh air, moving my body, hearing the animals wake up and sing their song, clap their wings or run in the fields, it all reminds me of the pure magic of life.
It gets me inspired, it gives my body space and vitality and it makes me beyond grateful for this precious life I received.
The quality of your breathe determines the quality of your life.
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