From discouragement to fulfillment
May 02, 2023
You feel you have tried everything. You spent a lot of time and money on the personal development path. You read dozens of books and listened to even more podcasts on mindset, motivation, better habits, etc. You hired (business) coaches, personal trainers or followed that online course on working out and eating healthier.
And still...
You still feel that you are not where you long to be in your life.
Not on a personal health or wealth level. Maybe you are also not where you want to be in your relationships.
On top of that, because you have already invested so much in yourself, you feel discouraged to do yet another program or learn something new, because deep down you realize that it doesn't change your life fundamentally.
I have met hundreds of people who experience the above.
I have gotten to the bottom of this in my own life as to where to look for the answer after you believe there are no more answers to be found.
People sacrifice the long term fulfillment for the short term moments of 'pleasure'. The 'I want this now' wins it almost every time from the discipline and endurance in the long run.
The reason this happens over and over again is very simple: most people live and respond to life from the place of their thoughts and emotions. We are conditioned to act and react every second of the day from this place where we think something, we feel something and we deal with something.
Unfortunately that limits our capacity to about 5% of our potential. We act according to what we have been conditioned into instead of according to our very unique nature. Results are autopilot behavior (which does serve some super practical habits) and unfulfillment due to misalignment with your purpose.
What to do about it?
Replace living from the dimension of your thoughts and emotions by living from the place of your core value and the intelligence of your body (= natural intelligence).
Sounds like that is a place in lalaland to you?
To most people it still does. They may have developed a concept about this place, but they don't experience this on a day-to-day basis.
We got so alienated from our very nature that even using words that refer to that nature sound 'soft or woosy'.
And yet, there is a way to live a very successful life on all dimensions and learn how to do that from a place of true connectedness with your purpose and nature.
Answers lay in having 100% clarity in your unique value in this world, excellent self care and being surrounded by people who will encourage you to grow into your full potential.
I invite you to contemplate where you are on each of these 3. Give yourself a rating and ask yourself what small step you could take today to grow in each of these areas?
If you need any help with that, reach out to us.
We are here to serve you.
We want nothing more than for humanity to raise to its full blooming potential!
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