How to invite magic into your life
May 22, 2023
Every week we kick off on Monday morning with our Master Mind group. We realized today that this group was birthed exactly one year ago. And in this year we allowed it to develop into what it is today.
We started out with a clear plan of what we would offer our members every week, making sure to add value to their experience of life and building their unique business.
Along the way we started to connect to these people on a deep level, soul to soul, from a pure heart. Opening up for this deep connection allowed us to trust deeply in what we could not know nor plan: every week we abundantly receive from Source exactly what EVERYONE in this group needs. No preparation or plan, other than to open ourselves fully, be 100% present and connected to the field we are in together.
In doing so, our own dream is crystalizing into manifestation: providing a space where people can step into, to effortlessly manifest their purpose, The Manifestation Vortex.
The last months of our Master Mind have been pure magic. In a way that people have similar dreams, images, insights, experiences, imaginary creations, etc. during the week without contacting each other and when we come together on Monday morning, all of that seems to come together and crystalize into clear steps for each member to move forward and effortlessly give birth to the next step in their creation.
So much fulfillment, clarity, joy, abundance, gratitude is coming from this field.
It requires a big leap of faith to charge people a pretty decent monthly fee and not prepare what you will offer them in return other than trusting that you will receive exactly what is needed if you are present from an innocent heart and willingness for the unknown to reveal itself.
It never ceases to be exciting every Monday before we open up our dojo. Every time we need to surrender more and realize 'we don't know what we don't know, but we are willing to completely trust life with it.'
Over the course of +15 years I have experienced a continuous deepening of presence. Where I used to say 'you just need to be present', I now realize that presence is endlessly layered and it never stops to amaze me how many new realities spring from a new level of presence. Whole worlds get exposed from every new layer of presence. It is what I call magic.
It is what gives true meaning to life.
It is what makes life worth living.
It is what life is really about.
As long as I will live, I will share this field with everyone who is curious enough to explore it.
With everyone who feels there is more to life than we filter out with our senses.
With everyone who is willing to not know.
Not knowing is connected to deeply knowing. I hope you feel beyond the paradox here.
Not knowing is the blessed state of fully surrendering and receiving.
It is not an exercise.
It is being in your most natural state. As Life itself.
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