Overcoming impostor syndrome is easy when you deeply understand this
Apr 17, 2023
Wikipedia: Impostor syndrome is a psychological occurrence in which people doubt their skills, talents, or accomplishments and have a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as frauds. Despite external evidence of their competence, those experiencing this phenomenon do not believe they deserve their success or luck.
A true impostor asks him- or herself all the time: 'Who am I to...?'
I believe there is a simple yet profound way to deal with impostor syndrome and get it out of the world for once and for all.
The summarizing advice would be: 'Life is not about you, it's about being in service'.
Let me explain. Life is not about the 'you' most people completely identify with. If you ask yourself the question over and over again 'who am I to do this or that?' then you put your ego/personality* in the middle of your actions. Everything you do then evolves around 'who am I'. Once you fully realize that your incarnation has little to do with your ego or your personality (what most people would refer to when they say 'I'), but with the possibility for your soul to fully express and experience, you stop asking yourself about 'who am I to...', you stop worrying about what the world thinks of YOU because your live no longer evolves around the you that you think you are.
To give you an example: you don't mind what your hair looks like or if anyone likes you while you try to save someone from a burning building. If your only question is: 'How can I be of greater service?', then there is no way that you will worry what others think of you if you are fully connected to the bigger plan for your life. Do you really think Mother Theresa or Mahatma Ghandi entertained their minds with what other people were thinking about them? Not saying that we should all be like Mother Theresa or Mahatma Ghandi, but we could learn this one thing from them and many other inspiring examples: find your purpose and devote your life to it! You will be liberated from any worries of what other people think about you, a truly blissful state to live in.
Your personality and ego have the role to support your soul, not to run the show. They are servants of the soul, but most modern humans have unconsciously put the ego/personality structure in the driver seat of their life. That is actually the biggest cause of most modern problems. We lost contact with our soul and completely identify with the ego/personality structure.
So how about shifting your life from Self-centered to Service-centered?
And please, don't get me wrong, I am not talking about sacrificing your own health, peace of mind to constantly take care of everybody else. On the contrary. Zoë and I talk a lot about self care and self love. What we mean with self care and self love is to fully honor the gift of life that is given to you. To take such good care of your own body, mind and soul that you are able to be of endless service to the world and humanity. Take care of the Self that transcends the ego/personality duo, the Soul Self and your service and impact will grow accordingly.
There is no longer fear when the mission to serve becomes clear.
Please, remind yourself that there is always someone out there who needs you more than you need them!
In case no one has told you today, I deeply honor and appreciate you and now, come on, go on and be of service, with a smile and from a place of gratitude!
In Love & Freedom,
*you can look at ego/personality as two sides of the same coin. The ego being the internal guard to keep you safe. The ego is in most people overactivated as if they live in continuous danger. You can see it as your fear mechanism that has the role to protect you, but if it's in the driver seat of your life, you live in a place of constant insecurity and fear. The personality being the external mask you carry to camouflage your constant feeling of fear. If the ego/personality structure is not in place i.e. in service of the soul, then it reigns your kingdom and you live disconnected from your soul, which is always a scary place to be in. Most people camouflage being scared with dozens of different masks (personality traits): being overly self confident, proven themselves with high performance (when not aligned with your soul it's exhausting), pleasing everybody around them, making themselves smaller than they actually are, staying out of the spotlight out of fear, not living their potential under the false belief that they are not worth much, etc.
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