Gratitude is the key to abundance
Read testimonials of people who participated in our programs.
Have a look at our offer"Often the 'work' part of that cycle is where a lack of full fulfillment of your inner potential is experienced. When that situation arises in your life, 'eating, leisure and sleep' suffers as well.
So we come to the last sentence, in which lies the key to breaking through your patterns.... feeling your mission, your inspiration of your presence here on this wonderful planet. You are here for a moment.... How do you wish to spend time here? Is that feasible? What could be a first step? Do you feel supported, understood in who you are. Questions for which the answers are not in books, questions that no one else can answer for you.
Questions that sooner or later arise and often go unanswered because of all kinds of excuses...
Questions that probe your own well-being, your unfulfilled dreams, your injuries, but certainly and above all questions that invite you to fan that fire in you, to be allowed to live and celebrate that potential in you... spring is ready to break through, you too???
You don't have to do it alone, that's old school thinking. These new times call for working together. In the past you weren't allowed to copy from your neighbor in the classroom, do you remember that? Ridiculous! Look at each other, look into each other, share what you know. No one has a monopoly on the truth, but together we come close.
I came to a point in my life that I wanted to dive into my own treasury. Which pearl did I bring with me and how can I make it shine in this world?
In the 3-day challenge with Zoë and Mieke I felt that pearl, from the deepest self, light up brightly, radiantly. It was overwhelmingly beautiful, liberating, soothing, finally a compass I can rely on!
And then...if you feel it and know what your life force is? How are you going to create your life around it?
Because of the intensity and depth of the 3-day program, I immediately registered for the 10-week manifesting program that followed. Step by step,together, researching and taking action to let everyone's unique gift flourish for the well-being of the whole.
It is a growing process, a breeding process, a blooming process, in which you clean up the nonsense from your life and fully embrace and shape the essence of who you are from your individuality.
Have you also arrived at that point, just before the breakthrough, just before your springtime? Do you doubt, do you think 'yes yes, yes'? Do you feel ‘yes’, but do you think ‘no’? Do you think you are different, not really have a gift? Do you think ‘Suppose I invest that money in myself and it brings me nothing?’ Many questions, which is very normal when you step out of your comfort zone.
If anywhere a YES voice resonates, listen to it! It's the adventure of the small, insecure YES. Yes to yourself, yes to the pearl within you, yes to life, YES YES YES and let's look at each other's pearls.
Mieke and Zoë are wonderful people who guide you through your own maze. Mild, soft, determined, humorous and challenging. They complement and feel each other and the group flawlessly.
I wanted to share this out of gratitude that, despite all the questions that raised, I still jumped into the depth where I heard the little 'yes' cry and very grateful that I did not end up in a dark void but in a warm environment, a warm, supportive and inspiring environment, a soil in which I can root, stand up and radiate.
Mieke & Zoë, Patronesses of seeing through patterns. I put my gratitude in this testimony so that the flow of people who walk their true soul path may grow. Because the world you carry in your heart is a world in which I feel at home and want to contribute.
A deep gratitude to all the people, friends in The One Family who jumped just like me. We met each other in the depths, we are rising together!"
In love, freedom, beauty, goodness, truth and wisdom,
Reinhard Peeters
"I could never have imagined what this circle would bring about. Even before it had all started I could feel things shifting… and as if by miracle I felt a certain peace of mind. Mieke and Zoë are two pearls who shine like captains at the helm of their Manifestation Vortex ship. They steer in the way I dreamed of, in the way that I hope a 'coach/healer' guides me. They don't command which direction I should go… but lovingly yet firmly open my eyes so that I can find my own way!
Actually, what happens here in the circle is difficult to describe with words, because magic is in play here. You just don't understand how you suddenly arrive at all those new insights. You are truly amazed by your own discoveries.
This course lasts 10 weeks but I already know this is forever! It's worth every second, every penny!"
Joke Deckx
"A New Year, A New Pair of Shoes. Today I threw my old walking shoes in the garbage can. They were worn to the bone. More than 2500 miles, all in one year. 2021, a year I will never forget.
And not because it was the best year ever, but because it was, let’s say, special. Our dear friend Corona got me out of my house, got me walking, got me a lot of time to think. And so, I met myself. Here, in the little town of Booischot, I met myself. You really don’t have to walk that far to stand still for a while. And to be honest, that man I met was not a person I was proud of. I was lost. Lost in life, lost in my own little town. And that got me sad and angry at the same time. I was thinking, worrying, crying. Self-pity, self-doubt, been there, done that.
Until I realized that all of this had a purpose of its own: life was inviting me to step out of my comfort zone. Find the real me, start something new. So I got myself a new pair of shoes and I started walking.
A New Year, a new pair of shoes. And a new journey. A journey of connecting people, inspiring people, having people find the spark in their eyes again.
I realize that this is only the beginning and that I have a long way to go, but I know for sure that this is my life purpose. I am really excited to find out what life has to offer me on this journey, which interesting people I will meet, how many sparks in how many eyes I will see.
Here’s to you, Mieke Bruneel and Zoë Van den Troost. Thanks for inspiring me to find my life purpose. Thanks for reminding me that I am not alone. Thanks for re-finding that spark in my eyes.
Here’s to you, my dear friends. If you’re ever lost in life, if you’re ever lost in your own little town, go easy on yourself. You can worry, you can doubt yourself, that’s OK. You can get angry; you will get angry. You can get scared; you will get scared. Just remember to keep on smiling. And remember that when you’re ready, you can always get yourself a new pair of shoes. You can always start walking again. And most of all: you can enjoy every step of the journey. Just be curious. Be grateful. Be you."
Steven Schoovaerts